Action Items Phone Message

If you have taken a phone call associated with the current item, you may keep a record of this using the Phone Message option in Action Items.

  1. Open the relevant item on screen, either from the incumbent file or from the employee file.
  2. While editing the item, select the Action Item tab to view existing actions. Click the Add New drop-down and then select the Phone Message item.
  3. In the pop-up window complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Subject Enter a subject to identify the phone message in lists and reports.
Call Date Select the date and time this phone call occurred.
Priority Select from low, normal or high.
Message Body In main blank section of the message window, type in the details.
Categories If relevant, select a category for the phone message.


The Actions Toolbar - Phone Messages

Click on the buttons within the toolbar to perform functions once the phone message has been entered:

Button Explanation
This will save and apply the changes throughout the system.
This will cancel the last set of changes made to the task and revert it back to the previously saved version.